
Greentopia embraces new fundraising technology

Greentopia launched a new way to raise funds Nov. 12 with a wine-and-cheese party where people pledged by text. The concept was so successful that the attendees EXCEEDED the entire fundraising goal -- $5,000 for the FlourGarden --  in less than 20 minutes. About 50...

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Green Visions by the numbers

Increasingly, it looks like a big part of helping people out of poverty isn't a hand-out, but a hand up that recognizes the human capital available in our poorer neighborhoods. One program that does this is Greentopia's Green Visions program, which provides 22 weeks...

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See our FlourGarden grow!

This will be an exciting summer for Greentopia: construction starts soon on the FlourGarden, the first section of the GardenAerial to become a reality. The $800,000 project, designed by NYC’s Landgarden landscape architecture firm, will be completed in the fall. ...

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Green Visions Update

We have now planted our initial seedling group of over 9,000 plants and they are happily growing away at the Garden Factory, our greenhouse partner for the Green Visions project. We will add several thousand more seeds which will be planted directly in the ground...

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